Catalog Search Results
"Young cowpokes everywhere will take a shine to this rib-ticklin' tale." -Publishers Weekly
Slim Jim Watkins, like most cowboys, is a hardworkin', lasso-wieldin' cowhand. All Slim Jim Watkins wants to do at the end of a long day roping cattle is to ease out of his saddle, throw off his clothes, and take a deep snooze. But little by little, Slim Jim Watkins finds that his old way of getting ready for bed just won't do. Before it's all over with,...
“Why I Hate the Yankees” offers a humorous take on the most beloved-and at the same time, most reviled-franchise in American professional sports. The book attempts to answer the question: Do we hate the Yankees merely because they always win, or is there more to it than just that?
The authors deconstruct the origins of the so-called Yankee mystique, offer countless examples of Yankee arrogance, and critique the Yankees' easy-way-out business...
Super WHY! volume 4
Jill keeps knocking down Pig's tower and he wants her to stop! The Super Readers fly into the Three Little Pigs story and come face to face with the big bad wolf himself. After all, he knows a thing or two about knocking things down. When all the huffing and puffing dies down, Pig learns an important lesson about friendship. Educational Objectives: To learn about friendship, practice the alphabet, identify the letters W, O, L and F; rhyme with ALL...
Super WHY! volume 1
Baby Joy is having a GIANT-sized tantrum, and nothing will calm her down! The Super Readers use their literacy powers to venture up Jack's Beanstalk and meet a real giant! Whyatt learns about the soothing power of music from his big brother Jack. Educational Objectives: To learn strategies for soothing someone, use the alphabet and identify the letters A, E, N and Z. Kids will practice spelling, and use the power to read to change the story.
Super WHY! volume 5
It's the Annual Junior Princess Competition, and Princess Pea is worried she won't be able to pass the test and win her very own Golden Crown! The Super Readers soar into the fairytale adventure of The Princess and the Pea, and learn all about Princess Priscilla - Princess Pea's mother - and her Princess test! Princess Priscilla surprises everyone with her quick thinking, and inspires Princess Pea to follow in her mother's footsteps.
What is matter made of? Young readers will be amazed to learn about the tiny particles that make up everything from this book to their very own bodies. Colorful illustrations and fun fact boxes will help readers understand how atoms come together to form molecules, the building blocks of everything in the universe. Topics include
• the discovery of the atom
• the parts of an atom
• how atoms combine to form molecules
• and how atoms relate...
Super WHY! volume 7
The Big Game - Whyatt wants to play baseball better, but he keeps missing the ball. The superhero readers jump into The Big Game and join some fairytale heroes gearing up for their big soccer match against their storybook foes. With the help of Super Why and his friends, Cinderella and her team work on their game skills to prevent the Big Bad Wolf's team from huffing, puffing and blowing them right off the field!
Educational Objectives: To learn...
Super WHY! volume 8
The Cookbook - Whyatt wants to bake Baby Joy a special birthday cake - but he doesn't know how! Super Why and his friends soar into a new kind of book - a cookbook - and get the information they need from a rhyming chef with a silly sense of humor as well as a recipe for fun! In the end, Whyatt learns how to cook up the perfect birthday for his little sister.
Educational Objectives: To learn about baking, play with the alphabet, practice the magic...
Super WHY! volume 9
The Comic Book: Attack of the Eraser - Whyatt and his friends are playing kickball in the park when Wolfy erases the score! The super readers fly into a new kind of reading material - a comic book - called "Attack of the Eraser" to track down the diabolical Eraser who's causing trouble in Reader Valley. Will Super Why and his friends be able to stop Eraser from wiping out all of the words in Reader Valley - or have they finally met their match?
Super WHY! volume 6
Poor Red wants nothing more than to play with Little Boy Blue, but he keeps running away! The Super Readers venture into the tale of Miss Muffet and meet a spider who is frightening his friend right off her tuffet! The Super Readers help Spider find a better way to approach Miss Muffet, and everyone learns that curds and whey taste better when shared with someone special.
Educational Objectives: To learn how to treat a friend, follow the alphabet,...
Super WHY! volume 2
Littlest Pig is ready for an adventure...but his brothers tell him he's too young! The Super Readers jump straight into the story of Tom Thumb, a guy who knows what it feels like to be little...really little! Tom Thumb is about to set off on his own adventure, and lucky for him the Super Readers are there to get him out of a few scrapes! Can tiny Tom Thumb teach Pig a BIG lesson?
Educational Objectives: To learn about getting help from a grownup,...
Super WHY! volume 3
Whyatt has a secret admirer! The Super Readers visit the Elves and the Shoemaker and discover that the shoemaker is just as curious about his own secret friends! The Super Readers help the Shoemaker write a note of his own, and Whyatt uncovers his mysterious admirer.
Educational Objectives: To learn about making friends, explore the alphabet and rhyme with UN words. Kids will find that the power to read can change the story.
Super WHY! volume 10
The Story of the Tooth Fairy - Whyatt has lost his very first tooth! When his mom tells Whyatt that the Tooth Fairy will come and take his tooth, Whyatt wants to know what happens if he wants to KEEP it? Super Why and his friends decide the best person to ask is the Tooth Fairy herself, so they set off to meet her in person. With a little bit of magic (and a little bit of floss) the reading heroes are able to get all their questions answered.
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