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"The rising percentage of childless women is one of the most overlooked and underappreciated social issues of our time. Never before have more women lived longer before having their first child or remained childless toward the end of their fertility. Nearly half of North American women of childbearing age are childless--a dramatic rise from 35 percent in 1976--yet childless women are still perceived as the exception, not the norm. In Otherhood, Melanie...
"Revelations of Divine Love" is a text of Julian of Norwich's dream visions that she had when she was near death. Then, after being miraculously healed, Julian of Norwich dedicated the rest of her life to writing her series of sixteen visions for all to read and understand. During her life, Norwich had suffered through three different bouts of the Black Death. Julian of Norwich remained optimistic in her faith, though; she denied that the plagues...
The Awakening is a novel by Kate Chopin, first published in 1899. Set in New Orleans and on the Louisiana Gulf coast at the end of the 19th century, the plot centers on Edna Pontellier and her struggle between her increasingly unorthodox views on femininity and motherhood with the prevailing social attitudes of the turn-of-the-century American South. It is one of the earliest American novels that focuses on women's issues without condescension. It...
4) Herland
Herland (1915) is a utopian novel by American author and feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Herland was originally published in The Forerunner, a monthly magazine edited by Gilman, before going out of print for the next several decades. The novel was republished with an influential introduction by scholar Ann J. Lane in 1979 and has since been recognized as an important work of science fiction written by a leading feminist of the early twentieth century.
Susan J. Brison is the Eunice and Julian Cohen Professor for the Study of Ethics and Human Values and Professor of Philosophy at Dartmouth College.
A powerful personal narrative of recovery and an illuminating philosophical exploration of trauma
On July 4, 1990, while on a morning walk in southern France, Susan Brison was attacked from behind, severely beaten, sexually assaulted, strangled to unconsciousness, and left for dead. She survived, but...
6) Intercourse
Andrea Dworkin, once called "Feminism's Malcolm X," has been worshipped, reviled, criticized, and analyzed-but never ignored. The power of her writing, the passion of her ideals, and the ferocity of her intellect have spurred the arguments and activism of two generations of feminists. Now the book that she's best known for-in which she provoked the argument that ultimately split apart the feminist movement-is being reissued for the young women and...
Lithuanian born anarchist Emma Goldman immigrated to the United States at the age of sixteen. She first became attracted to anarchism following the Haymarket affair of 1886, a massacre in which seven police officers and an unknown number of civilians were killed during a march of striking Chicago workers. Eight anarchists were subsequently tried for murder. In the early part of the 20th century Emma Goldman would become one the most ardent supporters...
Living life is about action: courageous, benevolent, worthy, Wise, and productive action. Start living with some help from Dr. Laura Schlessinger.
Dr. Laura Schlessinger agrees that there are things worth whining about. A certain amount of whining allows for venting of reasonable pain, disappointment, fear, frustration, or rage. However, staying stuck in whining mode can become a lifelong problem. This is where Dr. Laura steps in with Stop Whining,...
A bestselling first collection of humorous and insightful essays by a luminary of the women's liberation movement These essays from Gloria Steinem's first three decades of work offer a portrait of a woman who was not only one of the savviest leaders of the women's liberation movement, but also a profoundly humane thinker with a wide-ranging intellect and irresistible wit. In "If Men Could Menstruate," Steinem engages readers in a flight of imagination...
La reflexión sobre la condición femenina es urgente en nuestro tiempo.
Nunca hasta hoy hemos estado más cerca de comprender la igualdad de valor entre los sexos. Y nunca nos hemos encontrado más alejados y confundidos, al convivir en una cultura que niega el valor de la diferencia.
Precisamente en esto reside la paradoja de nuestro mundo.
Nuestro tiempo acelerado, obsesionado en "hacer cosas útiles", mina la disposición femenina a la acogida...
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"Whether we love them or hate them, think they're sexy, think they're strange, consider them too big, too small, or anywhere in between, humans have a complicated relationship with butts. It is a body part unique to humans, critical to our evolution and survival, and yet it has come to signify so much more: sex, desire, comedy, shame. A woman's butt, in particular, is forever being assessed, criticized, and objectified, from anxious self-examinations...
In this collection, contributors reject the narrative that suggests that the pain of mothers must never be exposed. They allow their pain to wander outside the frame of the requisite pathos; individual pieces reveal pain to be a complex and intersectional practice that encompasses denial and disenfranchisement where pain is birthed and named; disorientation leading to a search for stable ground; destabilization that inspires non-normative mothering;...
Les luttes féministes et les luttes pour l'abolition du système pénal et de la prison sont souvent présentées comme antagonistes. Le présent ouvrage vise à délier ce nœud en explorant les formes de protection que les femmes peuvent (ou non) attendre du système pénal et en mettant en lumière les manières dont celui-ci affecte leur existence, qu'elles soient incarcérées ou qu'elles aient des proches en prison.
Le système pénal protège-t-il...
...the minute I picked this book up I was on an emotional rollercoaster. It was the most amazing journey to find myself crying one minute and laughing the next with the authors infectious wit and undeniable honesty. The diary entries are so raw and vulnerable, and have been written in a way that I have never experienced before. I identified with many things throughout the book and found myself recalling significant events from my own adolescent years...
Mothering and music are complex and universal events, the structure and function of each show remarkable variability across social domains and different cultures. Al- though motherhood studies and studies in music are each recognized as important areas of research, the blending of the two topics is a recent innovation. The chapters in this collection bring together artists and scholars in conversations about the multiple profound relationships that...
17) Encyclopaedia of Women Society and Culture, Volume 15: Education And Modernisation Of Women In India
This volume series on Women Society and Culture is an attempt to collate information from various sources on different themes strata it could serge a-s a repository not only to the masses but also to students, researchers. administrators and planners. An attempt has been made to include, systematically, whatever Little information is available in literature in this series. It has also been argued that the caste factor has coexisted with different...
The Mother-Blame Game is an interdisciplinary and intersectional examination of the phenomenon of mother-blame in the twenty-first century. As the socioeconomic and cultural expectations of what constitutes "good motherhood" grow continually narrow and exclusionary, mothers are demonized and stigmatized-perhaps now more than ever-for all that is perceived to go "wrong" in their children's lives. This anthology brings together creative and scholarly...
Mothering Mennonite marks the first scholarly attempt to incorporate religious groundings in interpretations of motherhood. The essays included here broaden our understanding of maternal identity as something not only constructed within the family and by society at large, but also influenced significantly by historical traditions and contemporary belief systems of religious communities. A multidisciplinary compilation of essays, this volume joins...
Muslim Mothering is an interdisciplinary volume, concentrating on the experiences of Muslim mothers, largely in the contemporary period. The volume is notable for the global range of its contributors and topics, indicative of the number of Muslim majority national contexts and large and diverse Muslim diaspora of today's world. While motherhood is highly valued in the sacred texts of Islam, the lived reality of Muslim mothers demonstrates that their...
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