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Edmund Burke's "Reflections on the Revolution in France" is considered by many to be a masterpiece of political analysis and a compelling rationale against the French Revolution. Originally written as a letter in response to a young Parisian and later expanded upon and published in book format in January 1790, the work has greatly influenced conservative and classic liberal intellectuals and stands as a powerful argument against violent revolutions,...
The overtly obvious and seemingly malicious maligning of our Founders by many Americans within our systems of education, government, and media is being, performed with a greater intensity at the passing of each year. This constant, incessant, and relentless barrage of misinformation and falsehoods about their beliefs, character, and intentions is not only blatantly, unjust on its face it is, being, done to achieve a larger goal. What might that goal...
An overview of world history from the eighteenth to twentieth centuries, including the French, American and Industrial Revolutions.
Kovacs chooses pertinent stories which create a tapestry showing the development of humankind from medieval times, when every person had their place in the hierarchy of society, to the awakening of individuality in modern times.
In the Steiner-Waldorf Education curriculum this period of history is taught in Class 8...
La presente obra ofrece un amplio panorama sobre las consecuencias del golpe militar del 18 de julio. Con los trabajos que contiene se pretende mostrar qué fue en la práctica la destrucción de la República a través de algunos hechos ocurridos en el suroeste a partir de las elecciones de febrero de 1936, prestando especial atención al destino de los alcaldes republicanos, romper mitos asentados sobre la implantación de los golpistas, especialmente...
5) Compañeras
Compañeras is the untold story of women's involvement in the Zapatista movement, the indigenous rebellion that has inspired grassroots activists around the world for over two decades. Gathered here are the stories of grandmothers, mothers, and daughters who became guerilla insurgents and political leaders, educators and healers-who worked collectively to construct a new society of dignity and justice. Compañeras shows us how, after centuries of...
Magistral historia de la guerra moderna, esta obra viene a cubrir el vacío que existe en la bibliografía en español sobre la Guerra de Secesión americana. Una perspectiva internacional, desde la visión imparcial de un historiador extranjero.
Para un historiador militar, incluso si se trata de uno de los más prestigiosos del mundo, como sir John Keegan, no resulta fácil decir algo nuevo sobre la Guerra de Secesión, la guerra civil estadounidense....
There's never been a more comprehensive, more entertaining chronicle of the hippy, revolutionary, incendiary era of the late 60s and early 70s. It's all here – the birth of all the new passions of the period – the counterculture, Black Power, the environmental movement, Women's Liberation, Gay Pride, the animal-rights movement, the Sexual Revolution, the Anti-War movement, and all the new revolutionary organizations – the Black Panthers and...
- A la Medianoche - Es el testimonio personal de Javier Arzuaga, capellán en aquel tiempo de Casablanca, eran los primeros días de la revolución cubana, una desgarradora crónica de aquellos primeros meses del año 59 en la prisión de La Cabaña. Lo que yo escribí nació con espíritu e intención de testimonio. Un grupo de amigos cubanos venía insistiendo una y otra vez: Javier, esos recuerdos no te pertenecen, no tienes derecho a llevártelos...
Does it really matter what the Founding Fathers believed? Would the discovery of their true beliefs alter the way we think of America? The men and women whom we refer to as the Founders began an unprecedented journey to form and build a new way of life, a new government, and a new country. Determined to establish a free republic founded on principles of liberty, democracy, and reverence for the God who gave them life and liberty, they forged one nation...
Una síntesis magistral de la pasión revolucionaria y sus fracasos en América Latina
Un recorrido por las diez revoluciones latinoamericanas del siglo xx: la mexicana (1910-1940), la nicaragüense de los años veinte, la cubana de los treinta y la de 1959, el varguismo brasileño, el peronismo argentino, la guatemalteca (1944-1954), la boliviana de 1952, la chilena (1970-1973) y la sandinista en 1979.
Traza un perfil desapasionado de sus principales...
This book concerns the astonishing events enhancing the natural leadership of General Benjamin Wait. General Wait participated as a Ranger in the French and Indian War and the American Revolutionary War.
He was instrumental in delaying the British General John Burgoyne as he marched from Canada to his defeat at Saratoga, the turning point of the Revolutionary War. Between the wars, Benjamin and his brother, Joseph, became outlaws in New York, were...
This first full-length treatment of the Revolutionary War battle of Paoli recounts the British surprise attack on a Continental Army division near Philadelphia in September 1777. A crushing defeat for the Americans, the battle became known as the "Paoli Massacre". Philadelphia fell to the British a week later.
• Reconstructs the battle from the maneuvering that preceded it to the bloody aftermath
• Explains how this relatively small clash affected...
La revuelta de los proeuropeos y nacionalistas en Kiev llamada Euromaidán desató la respuesta rusa, que occidente define como Guerra Hibrida. Sin embargo, el análisis de la secuencia de acciones y las herramientas puestas en juego hace posible comprender la Estrategia de Moscú de manera holística sin extrapolar conocimientos.
Los acontecimientos descriptos, además de concluir en la adhesión de Crimea y la creación de un foco de inestabilidad...
15) Battle of Paoli
This first full-length treatment of the Revolutionary War battle recounts British general Charles Grey's brutal attack on Anthony Wayne's division of 1,500 Continentals in September 1777. The detailed account follows the action from the arrival of Wayne's division south of the Schuylkill River, near Paoli Tavern, to defend Philadelphia against Howe's encroaching troops to Grey's discovery of Wayne's position, the bloody battle that ensued, and the...
El año 1808 fue el acontecimiento que precipitó el derrumbe del Antiguo Régimen español. El proceso incluyó el levantamiento de las clases populares urbanas y campesinas, en una explosión antifeudal y en contra el ejército de ocupación francés. Fue también una guerra que transformó el viejo ejército borbónico en los orígenes de un ejército nacional, que elevó a bandoleros, estudiantes, campesinos o curas a héroes populares. Finalmente,...
An insightful exploration of history's 30 most influential popular revolutions and a celebration of people power-from Boudicca's uprising in AD 60 to the Arab Spring of 2011 Popular revolution has forged global superpowers, shaken empires, brought a halt to oppression, upended social and political divisions, established the first independent black nation, and given birth to legacies, ideologies, and revolutionary idols that have had a profound impact...
19) Leon Kilat
For more than 300 years, colonial Spain subjugated the country using violent means to impose its will on a submissive native population. As a consequence, thousands died of starvation and sheer exhaustion in the construction of their stone edifices, like the churches, convents and ayuntamientos, and many more were traumatized by the experience. But in 1896, there emerged a consciousness of nationhood which became the seed of the revolution. In 1898,...
This is a one-stop introduction to the multifaceted phenomenon of the 'Arab Spring', from the writers of Jadaliyya.
Covering the full range of issues involved in these historic events, from political economy and the role of social media, to international politics, gender, labour and the impact on culture, these firsthand accounts explore the inspirational uprisings in a way unavailable through mainstream Western and Arab media.
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