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Regional issues are increasingly debated across the social sciences. In an age of globalization, the region has come to matter perhaps more than before. In business, companies orient themselves to engage in regional environments to build capabilities and create critical mass in their vicinity. In the world of policy, almost one-third of the EU budget is spent on regional policy. Yet in spite of this the differences between regions that do well and...
Depuis quelques années en sciences sociales, le territoire émerge comme une dimension d'analyse importante. Les auteurs relève le défi de recomposer les définitions, les perspectives théoriques et les outils d'analyse afin d'élaborer une approche territoriale panoptique qui permette d'observer les différentes dimensions du territoire.
To mark his 20th anniversary at the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, David Allen goes back to the beginning to survey his first four years of columns, when the valley was new territory for him. After unpacking endlessly, he reports for jury duty in Chino, attends a Mexican wrestling match in Pomona and pays attention to movie dialogue about Rancho Cucamonga.Not limiting himself to local news, he wonders what a Rolling Stones tour in the distant future...
Fallseminar Soziale Arbeit. Im dualen Bachelor-Studiengang Sozialwirtschaft an der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg in Villingen-Schwenningen im abschließenden sechsten Semester angesiedelt bietet das Fallseminar auf fachlicher und didaktischer Ebene vielfältige Möglichkeiten, Theorie und Praxis sozialpädagogischen Arbeitens miteinander in Verbindung zu bringen. Wer in der Fallarbeit professionell tätig sein möchte, ist auf Orientierungshilfen...
La colección interdisciplinaria Estudios de la Orinoquia y la Amazonia busca generar conocimiento, fomentar la discusión académica y asumir alternativas de solución a problemas regionales en la Orinoquia y la Amazonia. Si la Orinoquia y la Amazonia son territorios especiales por su abandono histórico y ellos constituyen una región única, deben tener un tratamiento especial que facilite su desarrollo y promueva el acceso al conocimiento científico...
Este libro se centra en la región norte del estado de Jalisco, ámbito espacial en donde se encuentran una sociedad de rancheros mestizos y el pueblo wixárika. Se busca tender un puente entre el pasado colonial y el presente para comprender la realidad regional actual del norte de Jalisco, por lo que se inscribe dentro de la etnohistoria, disciplina antropológica que conjuga la historia y la antropología. El análisis de la etnografía histórica...
Están quienes creen que los gobiernos progresistas de principios del siglo XXI en América Latina representaron un avance socioeconómico indiscutible para masas de personas postergadas por décadas. Otros, por el contrario, están convencidos de que esos gobiernos fueron la concreción de un "populismo" que condenó a la región al atraso, la prebenda y la demagogia.
Este libro, necesario y revelador, viene a llenar con datos y análisis los vacíos...
The image of the "land" is an ongoing trope in conceptions of Canada-from the national anthem and the flag to the symbols on coins-the land and nature remain linked to the Canadian sense of belonging and to the image of the nation abroad. Linguistic landscapes reflect the multi-faceted identities and cultural richness of the nations. Earlier portrayals of the land focused on unspoiled landscape, depicted in the paintings of the Group of Seven, for...
By revisiting the past hundred years of shared Palestinian and Jewish-Israeli history, Baruch Kimmerling reveals surprising relations of influence between a stateless indigenous society and the settler-immigrants who would later form the state of Israel. Shattering our assumptions about these two seemingly irreconcilable cultures, Kimmerling composes a sophisticated portrait of one side's behavior and characteristics and the way in which they irrevocably...
A pioneering approach to social theory that rectifies overreliance on Western historical experience of development and modernization.
In this pioneering volume, leading international scholars argue for the development of a new approach to social theory that draws on regional studies for the conduct of comparative analysis in the global age. Social Theory and Regional Studies in the Global Age moves beyond facile generalizations based on the historical...
Here is an up-to-the-moment history of the Lone Star State, together with an insider's look at the people, politics, and events that have shaped Texas from the beginning right up to our days. Never before has the story been told with more vitality and immediacy. Fehrenbach re-creates the Texas saga from prehistory to the Spanish and French invasions to the heyday of the cotton and cattle empires. He dramatically describes the emergence of Texas as...
Este libro cuenta la historia de la comunidad El Capote, en la provincia del Carchi. Su autor, recurriendo a sus recuerdos, relata cómo los principales hitos de la modernidad se asentaron en su territorio: carreteras, electrodomésticos, energía eléctrica, agua potable, alcantarillado, teléfono, escuela, iglesia, construcciones y muchos otros más. La UPEC, mediante esta publicación, demuestra que el campo editorial no solo debe pertenecer al...
Dans Les lieux de mémoire, Pierre Nora affirme que « la mémoire s'enracine dans le concret, l'espace, le geste, l'image et l'objet » (1984, xix). Entre lieux et mémoire adopte une perspective semblable et jette un regard sur les expériences concrètes, géographiquement situées, par lesquelles les francophones du Canada construisent leur identité à partir des réminiscences de leur passé. Ce questionnement est essentiel, car la géographie...
An A - Z illustrated guide to what you can see in the Cotswolds, with word and pen the Author describes this wonderful part of England. From the strange sounding Cotswold towns and villages such as Acton Turville and Wyck Rissington with this guide you will be shown sides of the Cotswolds that the average visitor often misses, the text is brought to life with well over 100 pen and ink sketches of Gargoyles and Hobbit like church entrances, Public...
Rural communities, often the first indicators of economic downturns, play an important role in planning for development and sustainability. Increasingly, these communities are compelled to reimagine the paths that lead not only to economic success, but also to the cultural, social, environmental, and institutional pillars of sustainability. As the contributors to this volume demonstrate, there are many examples of such innovation and creativity, and...
This collection of essays written by Thomas Michel offers an insightful and comparative analysis into the life, thoughts and major writings of Said Nursi. It provides insight into a deep conversation, taking place between a Catholic priest and a Muslim theologian. This sincere and humble collection of essays will be an indispensable reading for believers of all faiths and backgrounds with an interest in social and contemporary issues. Michel remarks...
This publication lists in Part 1 the names, qualifications and interests of Filipinists in Australia and a few former residents who have made significant contributions to Philippine studies in Australia and/or continue to take an active interest in such studies.Part 2 lists Dissertations on the Philippines undertaken at Australian Universities, with a small section of theses undertaken at Universities outside of Australia by people who are currently...
Mission, Anguish, and Defiance documents how David Isiorho has explored his ministry as a black priest in the Church of England using his formidable intellect, which reveals the ingrained prejudices and lack of genuine love from the structures of that august institution. He draws on his PhD as a platform to conduct this examination, not seeking pity but writing prophetically from a deep loyalty to the Church.
He has meticulously interviewed a wide...
Este libro muestra la tensión existente entre los viejos paradigmas del conocimiento de lo social y las posibilidades que abre un nuevo paradigma que asume el espacio como categoría básica para la interpretación de la formación y transformación de las sociedades. Coedición con el Instituto de Estudios Regionales (INER) de la Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia.
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