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"For the last twenty years, David Sally has taught negotiation at ... business schools and to executives at ... companies worldwide, and now he wants to share his secrets and the science behind them. Negotiation, he argues, is best thought of as a strategic game in which you should be exactly one step ahead of your opponent. Drawing parallels to everything from the NBA to the corner con game and rooted in Sally's own ... research, [his book] introduces...
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"Since it was first published in 1981 Getting to Yes has become a central book in the Business Canon: the key text on the psychology of negotiation. Its message of "principled negotiations"--finding acceptable compromise by determining which needs are fixed and which are flexible for negotiating parties--has influenced generations of businesspeople, lawyers, educators and anyone who has sought to achieve a win-win situation in arriving at an agreement....
William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers
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Negotiation is hard. It's especially tough when you feel like the underdog--whether you face a 'Godzilla' counterpart, face threats of budget cuts during a downturn, or know that you need a deal more than the other side does. Seth Freeman can help. Freeman is an award-winning professor who has taught negotiation to thousands of leaders and students. His clients range from Fortune 500 executives to kindergarteners, from top corporate lawyers to grad...
"A book introducing a new approach to tough negotiations"--
Conflict is increasing everywhere, threatening everything we hold dear--from our families to our democracy, from our workplaces to our world. In nearly every area of society, we are fighting more and collaborating less, especially over crucial problems that demand solutions. In Possible, Ury argues conflict is natural. In fact, we need more conflict, not less--if we are to grow, change,...
John Wiley & Sons, Inc
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"Effective Business Communication For Dummies gives you the tools you need to communicate better, both in and outside of the office. You want to build strong relationships, and you'll need strong communication skills to do it. This book demystifies active listening, assertive speaking, conflict resolution, virtual team leadership, and all the other things you'll need to know to get your point across." --
High conflict mediation requires a paradigm shift from traditional mediation-high conflict experts Bill Eddy and Michael Lomax show you how.
Over the past twelve years, the authors have been developing and practicing tips for managing high conflict clients in mediation, which is now a fully developed new method called New Ways for Mediation®. Mediating High Conflict Disputes gives all of the little tips, which any mediator can use, as well as the...
Este libro contiene una explicación concisa y a la vez rigurosa de los principales temas del servicio civil. Parte del derecho fundamental de acceso a los cargos públicos y de las importantes diferencias entre el derecho laboral y el derecho de la función pública, para aterrizar en su configuración legislativa con las características del denominado servicio civil. Explica, a continuación, cómo se organiza el servicio civil, cuáles son sus...
12) Las trabajadoras remuneradas del hogar: acción colectiva y sindicalismo en Latinoamérica, 2000-2016
El primer quindenio del siglo XXI trajo consigo un panorama de crisis para el movimiento sindical en Latinoamérica, debido a La instauración de lógicas corporativistas, al fortalecimiento de políticas de corte neoliberal, que sostienen la subsunción de la vida al capital, y al establecimiento de relaciones "cooperativas" de la clase trabajadora con la clase superdominante, en las que se pierde el lugar de confrontación y se desconoce la existencia...
In the heart of the American judicial and mediation systems lies the promise of justice, equality, and impartiality. Yet, beneath this noble facade, lurk the shadows of favoritism and discrimination, casting doubt upon the fairness of legal proceedings and the integrity of the legal profession. "Favoritism and Discrimination in the American Judicial and Mediation Systems" sheds light on these critical issues, delving into the complexities of bias...
In Jamaica, the Caribbean and internationally, the process of arbitration as an alternative to court action in settling disputes is no longer the subject of an esoteric debate but increasingly is becoming a standard requirement in both government and private-sector contracts.
In the process of numerous and varied activities in this field, a great deal of experience and knowledge has been acquired by the author. Over the years, many of his colleagues,...
Conflict Management Coaching: The CINERGY(TM) Model describes a well-researched process for coaching people on a one-on-one basis, to improve their skills and abilities to manage and engage in their interpersonal disputes. This comprehensive text written by Cinnie Noble, a lawyer-mediator and certified coach, not only provides a coaching model that uniquely integrates neuroscience principles with conflict management and coaching theory and practice....
"Pretendo hacer de este texto una guía para aquellos investigadores, fiscales y jueces que puedan conocer de casos de secuestros; por ende, hago mucho hincapié en las estrategias seguidas durante la investigación: la recopilación de información, de evidencias y testimoniales que, por separado todos ellos, no nos dicen nada, pero, una vez analizados y concatenados entre sí, nos llevaron a la resolución de los hechos investigados."
From 1985 to 1987, the Home Office funded four experimental schemes in mediation and reparation for criminal cases in the UK. Tony Marshall of the Home Office Research and Planning Unit made arrangements for groups of independent researchers to monitor these schemes and for other researchers to carry out studies on other schemes within the UK.
This book gathers, together their substantial empirical research findings into a single coherent narrative....
Nous passons 80% de notre temps à négocier quelque chose. Selon le Carnegie Institute of Technology, 85% de notre succès financier est attribuable à notre personnalité et aux compétences en ingénierie humaine. Le Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ajoute que 80% de notre communication pourrait être décrite comme une forme de négociation. Ces compétences, entre autres, comprennent la communication, la confiance en soi, la capacité...
Los trabajos que se recogen en este volumen abordan, desde distintas perspectivas, la relevancia del arbitraje en acción y no solo a partir de los textos normativos. Durante los últimos años, el arbitraje ha tenido una amplia difusión en el Perú, donde ha sido promovido por el Estado incluso con la incorporación de cláusulas arbitrales en una importante variedad de contratos estatales.
ALFREDO BULLARD GONZÁLEZ es abogado por la Pontificia...
20) Condomnauts
"Yoss (Super Extra Grande) is an eminent Cuban SF writer who also fronts a heavy metal band; his iconoclastic spirit and rock-and-roll aesthetic are on full ingenious display in this daring, rollicking, and joyous novel…. This extended dirty joke is also an impressive science fiction novel with much to say about sex, culture, and what it means to be alien." -Publishers Weekly, Starred Review
In the 24th century, Josué Valdés' rise from an orphan...
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