Catalog Search Results
Hunting for Hidden Gold is a thrilling adventure from the renowned Hardy Boys series, authored by Franklin W. Dixon. In this captivating tale, brothers Frank and Joe Hardy find themselves embroiled in a perilous quest to uncover a legendary treasure hidden deep within the rugged wilderness of the American West. The story begins when the Hardy boys receive a mysterious letter from their father, Fenton Hardy, a renowned detective, who is working on...
"Pretty, young Anne came to London looking for adventure. In fact, adventure comes looking for her-and finds her immediately at Hyde Park Corner tube station. Anne is present on the platform when a thin man, reeking of mothballs, loses his balance and is electrocuted on the rails. The Scotland Yard verdict is accidental death. But Anne is not satisfied. After all, who was the man in the brown suit who examined the body? And why did he race off, leaving...
"Opera singer Roma Toscano may have a crippling case of stage fright, but she certainly is stirring up drama in Autumn Vale, New York, as she prepares for an upcoming performance at Merry's Wynter Castle. With her flamboyant style and flirtatious personality, Roma attracts fans as well as critics, including the town's postmistress and Merry's bitter foe Minnie Urqhart. But Roma and Minnie's heated rivalry goes cold after Merry discovers Minnie dead...
"In the latest mystery in the New York Times bestselling Cat in the Stacks series, librarian Charlie Harris and his Maine Coon cat Diesel must clear a friend when the evidence is stacked against her... Springtime in Mississippi is abloom with beauty, but the library's employees are too busy worrying to stop and smell the flowers. The new library director, Elwyn Dillard, is a brash, unfriendly Yankee who's on a mission to cut costs--and his first...
7) Whirlwind
A ruthless psychopath with a long-held grudge unleashes a terrifying scheme of revenge on a small New England town in this tautly-paced, compelling thriller. Liza Plain, a Boston-based journalist hoping for her big break, is dreading spending Christmas in Shiloh, Rhode Island, with her difficult grandfather - until news of the disappearance of a retired local priest triggers her realization that this could be linked to a series of unsolved, church-linked...
""You did nothing." Christine Steinmeyer thought the anonymous suicide note she found in her mailbox on Christmas Eve wasn't meant for her. But the man calling in to her radio show seems convinced otherwise. Bit by bit, strange things keep happening... it's as if someone has taken control of her life. Everything holding Christine's life together crumbles until all that is left is an unimaginable nightmare. Martin Servaz is on leave in a clinic for...
11) Ragdoll
William Fawkes, a controversial detective known as The Wolf, has just been reinstated to his post after he was suspended for assaulting a vindicated suspect. Still under psychological evaluation, Fawkes returns to the force eager for a big case. When his former partner and friend, Detective Emily Baxter, calls him to a crime scene, he's sure this is it: the body is made of the dismembered parts of six victims, sewn together like a puppet--a corpse...
It's a cold January in the Chesapeake Bay area, but Cool Down Café manager Val Deniston has plenty to sweat over-like catering a book club event, testing recipes for her Granddad's cookbook, and catching the author of a deadly tale of murder...
The last thing Val needs in her life is an unsolved murder, especially when the victim, an actor famed for impersonating Edgar Allan Poe, happens to be dressed exactly like her Granddad. To keep an eye on...
Blumhouse Books/Doubleday
Pub. Date
"1977. The Blyton Summer Detective Club (of Blyton Hills, a small mining town in Oregon's Zoinx River Valley) solved their final mystery and unmasked the elusive Sleepy Lake monster--another low-life fortune hunter trying to get his dirty hands on the legendary riches hidden in Deboën Mansion. And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling kids. 1990. The former detectives have grown up and apart, each haunted by disturbing...
14) A borrowed man
Pub. Date
"A Borrowed Man: a new science fiction novel, from Gene Wolf, the celebrated author of the Book of the New Sun series. It is perhaps a hundred years in the future, our civilization is gone, and another is in place in North America, but it retains many familiar things and structures. Although the population is now small, there is advanced technology, there are robots, and there are clones. E. A. Smithe is a borrowed person. He is a clone who lives...
15) Night watch
The #1 New York Times bestselling author and the Edgar Award winning author are back with a new a new novel featuring Kendra Michaels-hired gun for both the CIA and FBI. Born blind, Kendra Michaels spent the first twenty years of her life living in the darkness. Then, thanks to a revolutionary medical procedure developed by England's Night Watch Project, she was given the gift of sight. Her highly-developed senses (honed during her years in the dark),...
16) The Thicket
"Love and vengeance at the dark dawn of the East Texas oil boom from Joe Lansdale, "a true American original" (Joe Hill, author of Heart-Shaped Box). Jack Parker thought he'd already seen his fair share of tragedy. His grandmother was killed in a farm accident when he was barely five years old. His parents have just succumbed to the smallpox epidemic sweeping turn-of-the-century East Texas--orphaning him and his younger sister, Lula. Then catastrophe...
Pub. Date
When Patrick Dielman shows up at Detective Jo Larsen's desk insisting that his wife, Jenny, is missing, Jo wonders if it's a case of a bored housewife running away. But as she digs deeper into Jenny's life, Jo learns that Dielman keeps a stranglehold on the family finances, down to the last nickel, and that Jenny's first marriage dissolved following the death of her young son. By all accounts, including her doctor's, she never recovered from the loss....
18) Bark of night
Rescuing a dog who was abandoned at a veterinarian's office by a stranger, defense lawyer Andy Carpenter, with help from his loyal golden retriever Tara, searches for answers upon learning that the dog's real owner has been found murdered.
Private investigators Liz Talbot and Nate Andrews have worked their share of domesic cases. So when Tammy Sue Lyerly hires them to find out what her husband is hiding, they expect to find something looney but harmless. After all, this is the guy who claims to have been a DEA agent, a champion bull rider, and a NASCAR driver. But when he turns up dead the morning after Liz and Nate deliver incriminating photos, Tammy Sue becomes the prime suspect....
20) Broadchurch
In the sleepy British seaside town of Broadchurch, Detective Ellie Miller has just returned from vacation, only to learn that she's been passed over for a promotion at work in favor of outsider Alec Hardy. He, escaping the spectacular failure of his last case, is having trouble finding his way into this tight-knit community wary of new faces. But professional rivalry aside, both detectives are about to receive some terrible news: 11-year-old Danny...
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