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Speedy Publishing LLC
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Saving money is now even more important than ever... The "Couponing Bible: Couponing 101 Guide to Save Thousands Each Year" teaches you the tricks and tips on how to get all sorts of cool FREE and Cheap stuff... And you don't need to spend every spare moment clipping coupons and going shopping to do so... "Couponing 101 the Couponing Bible" is easy to read and covers everything you always wanted to know about couponing! It's jam packed with helpful...
After paying off over $50,000 of debt, Dan and Marlis Williams put the plan they used into a simple and direct format called: 7 Steps to Eliminate Your Debt. This proven method is easy to understand and implement for any family, civic group, business or church wanting to put their finances back on track and break the bondage of being in debt.
Aborde el negocio de la redacción con un plan orientado hacia el éxito. Nancy Gideon, ganadora de premios como escritora de más de 60 libros, comparte su experiencia de más de veinticinco años de carrera para proveerle una guía paso a paso de cómo invertir su tiempo y dinero sabiamente. Haga Correr la Voz: Relaciones Públicas y Redes Sociales para Escritores. El Presupuesto del Tiempo y del Dinero le mostrará cómo establecer un presupuesto...
Money Answers All is a book by Wendy Williams Lovejoy which shares a journey from poverty and financial stress to wealth and abundance. If money is an issue in your life this book will give you 10 simple principles that are proven strategies to transforming your financial future. These are easy principles that can be followed no matter what current income situation you find yourself in. You can attract money and have it work for you much harder than...
Count the number of times you've said "no" to an idea. Whether you inadvertently put out a spark of brilliance or nixed a nonstarter, your response took away someone else's opportunity to feel heard. And that's an innovation killer.
No one knows this truth better than improv expert Karen Hough. “Go With It: Embrace the Unexpected to Drive Change” brings you Hough's discoveries from the front lines of innovation. She has seen how business innovators...
Yes, most of the above and much more can be achieved in Microsoft Excel if you understand some basic concepts of budgets and budgeting. This book was written to help any users wanting to have a clear understanding of how Excel can help to perform some aspects of budgeting using some of its built-in financial and logical functions. It starts off by explaining the concepts of budget and budgeting, moving on to variances in budgets, budgeting process,...
"For close to three decades, Fundamentals of Project Management has helped people tackle the complexities of the job. Succinct and easy to read, the book simplifies concepts, answers questions, and helps tame the chaos that can erupt as projects move from planning to completion. The Sixth Edition of this trusted bestseller offers the practical guidelines and tools project managers have come to expect, along with new information explaining changes...
Este libro lo ayudará a comprender la tecnología blockchain, a comprender las complejidades de Bitcoin como una moneda digital emergente y le mostrará cómo hacer para que se transforme en una parte rentable de su cartera de inversiones.
Los temas que puede esperar ver en este libro incluyen:
• ¿Qué es Bitcoin?
• ¿Quién es Satoshi Nakamoto?
• ¿Por qué los hackers usan bitcoins?
• ¿Qué es la minería y por qué la necesitamos?
Do you want to learn the secrets of starting a small business?
Do you want to be an entrepreneur, be financially independent and secure a bright future for your family? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, keep reading...
You are already on your way!
The fact that you're reading this means you've decided to change your life for the better. And, either you've realized or will soon realize that you need to follow a structured plan to achieve...
In your hands Is the blueprint that has helped countless people earn a living in the freight brokerage industry! You'll see why thousands of people have gone from broke and without any marketable skills to becoming top earners in this industry!
In his earlier masterpiece "6 Figure Trucking" Maurice Sanders focused on being a truck driver and owning a trucking company. This book will focus on the freight brokerage business within the logistics industry....
12) Llevate bien con tu billetera: Diez pasos para construir y sostener un futuro financiero brillante
"Con esta guía invaluable, aprenderás a cultivar excelentes hábitos financieros y harás que tu dinero trabaje para ti. Comprende el panorama completo de tus finanzas con este fenómeno de ventas norteamericano y toma conciencia de todo lo que puedes lograr cuando te comprometes y pones manos a la obra."
Voulez-vous économiser de l’argent?
Voulez-vous faire de l’argent?
Voulez-vous une métamorphose monétaire facile à suivre?
Être meilleur avec vos finances ou vos économies pour les situations d'urgences est souvent une résolution de Nouvelle Année. Si c'est l'une des votre ou si auparavant vous n'avez pas réussi à vous y tenir, aujourd'hui est le meilleur jour pour rejoindre cette métamorphose monétaire en 30 jours.
Tous les jours...
Propone un sustancial cambio de hábitos de ahorro y construcción de patrimonio partiendo de un cambio de comportamiento profundo y eficiente. Lleva de la mano a los lectores para que creen su propio sistema de ahorro personal para esto ofrece siete pasos con los cuales cualquiera que sea la actividad profesional del lector.
Manejar adecuadamente las finanzas personales ayudará a tener una solvencia económica constante y no solo en algunas etapas...
I write this book to show you there is hope and there is a way to live a Debt-Free life. It may not be easy, but you know what they say: "Anything worth having is not easy."
This book will:
• Provide you with the air you need to breathe in managing your finances.
• Give detailed instructions and tools on how to lay out a detailed personalized financial plan.
• Teach you how to stay Debt-Free and how to build wealth for your family.
¿Te gustaría ahorrar dinero?
¿Quiéres generar ingresos?
¿Quieres una guía monetaria fácil de seguir?
Mejorar sus finanzas o ahorrar para los días díficiles es a menudo un propósito de año nuevo, si es uno de los suyos o si no lo ha cumplido antes, ahora es el momento perfecto para hacerlo posible con este manual monetario en solo 30 días.
Todos los días por 30 días y con solo una hora al día puede empezar aprender cosas como:
Based on the bestselling AMA seminar, a nuts-and-bolts guide to the dollars-and-cents issues that drive your organization! As a department manager, the last thing you want to think about is numbers. But the truth is, that's the only thing your executives and senior managers are thinking about so it's crucial to understand key financial information like balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, budgets and forecasts, and annual reports....
" In Brokenomics: 50 Ways to Live the Dream on a Dime, author Dina Gachman shares the lessons she's learned about how to live large in the cheap seats. Through stories both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny that any hardworking stiff can relate to, Dina reveals all the tricks you need to live the good life without spending a ton of money. "--
TheSmartestWay™ to Save Big is our third book in our TheSmartestWay™ series on how to save money. We thought that the first two books, TheSmartestWay™ to Save and TheSmartestWay™ to Save More , were the total of what we had to say on the topic. Were we ever wrong: During the 2007 housing bubble, people delayed saving for retirement because they thought the inflated value of their home would stay afloat so they borrowed on their home equity....
In this step-by-step guide, Dr. John E. Whitcomb takes the struggle out of teaching children fiscal responsibility, introducing positive spending habits that will last a lifetime.
Picture this, parents: Trips to the grocery store with the kids that don't end with overpriced junk food or sulking in the backseat. Or this: Shopping for back-to-school clothes without enduring hours of your child begging for the trendiest, most expensive, sneakers.
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