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Skyhorse Pub
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"Body Language 101 is an attractive, practical introduction to the conscious and unconscious body language people use to express mood, attitude, and status. Here, nonverbal communication from around the world is examined and interpreted. Not only is the body language common to all cultures scrutinized, but regional varieties of gestures are illustrated, and their meanings compared and contrasted."-back cover.
GET TO THE TRUTH… People--friends, family members, work colleagues, salespeople--lie to us all the time. Daily, hourly, constantly. None of us is immune, and all of us are victims. According to studies by several different researchers, most of us encounter nearly 200 lies a day. Now there's something we can do about it. Liespotting links three disciplines--facial recognition training, interrogation training, and a comprehensive survey of research...
"Sure, you're listening when others talk, but do you know what they're really telling you? Without an understanding of body language, you're missing a big chunk of the picture. Body language for dummies fills in the gaps, so you can tell what people are thinking and feeling by just observing them. You'll also discover what you might be communicating with your body language, helping you get along better with others at work and in your personal life....
"Nationally renowned body language expert Tonya Reiman turns her attention to romance--explaining how to read the signals of your date, your mate, or that cutie across the bar--and never get rejected again! Attraction : It's biological. It's physical. It's chemical. It's mental. But it doesn't end there. It's also: Detectable. Manageable. Maneuverable. In The Body Language of Dating, Tonya Reiman tackles the question of whether human attraction and...
Basic Books
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"What does a yearbook photo have to do with future marital success? Can the CEO's appearance tell you anything about a company's quarterly earnings? In The Tell, psychologist Matthew Hertenstein reveals that our intuition is surprisingly good at using small clues to make big predictions, and shows how we can make better decisions by homing in on the right details. Drawing on rigorous research in psychology and brain science, Hertenstein explains how...
I see you volume 1
Free Spirit Publishing, an imprint of Teacher Created Materials, Inc
Pub. Date
In rhyming text, a caregiver lovingly validates their young one's use of body language to communicate their emotions.
Are you nervous about your presentation at school tomorrow? Or about going onstage for the school play? What about trying out for the baseball team? Try standing like a superhero for a few seconds before you start. Research shows that standing like a hero makes you feel-and act-like one! Humans use words to communicate, but we also use our bodies to send messages. We may shrug our shoulders to show we don't care, or open our eyes wide in surprise,...
Workman Publishing
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"Give your toddler a strong social emotional foundation for early learning with this charming introduction to nine familiar emotions. My First Brain Quest: Feelings introduces babies and toddlers to nine core emotions-happy, sad, scared, excited, angry, shy, proud, surprised, and calm-to help develop essential emotional literacy skills, promote social and emotional health, and set a strong foundation for early learning. Each brightly illustrated spread...
Henry Holt and Company
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"Nathan doesn't say much. He sure has a lot on his mind, though. At school, Nathan quietly observes the ways his peers communicate. Even when they're not talking, they're expressing themselves in all sorts of ways! By witnessing the beauty of communication diversity, Nathan learns and shows his classmates the essential lesson: Not only does everyone have something to say, but seeking to understand one another can be the greatest bridge to friendship...
Semiótica, estudios contemporáneos, es una pluralidad de textos cuyo eje de articulación es la semiótica. Esta condición plural de la obra se expresa, no solo en el tipo de acontecimientos, temas y problemas que abordan los autores, sino también en las perspectivas y líneas desde las cuales lo hacen. Es por ello que el presente libro puede resultar de mucha utilidad, tanto para quienes inician el estudio de la semiótica, como para los investigadores...
El estudio aquí presentado busca resaltar los modelos de mujer que configuran las revistas de glamour, dirigidas a hombres y mujeres, editadas en Colombia por dos grandes empresas editoriales: publicaciones semana y ediciones el tiempo. La hipótesis de trabajo gira en torno a la idea, según la cual, los medios de comunicación, fragmentan la frontera entre lo público y lo privado; de tal manera que muchos aspectos de la privacidad son presentados...
Introducción a los estudios del discurso multimodal hace un acercamiento a la historia de los estudios críticos del discurso mono y multimodal, es decir, establece los puentes analíticos entre los discursos que privilegian el uso de un solo sistema semiótico, como la lengua, y aquellos discursos que integran distintos sistemas de signos: imagen fija y móvil, sonidos, lengua escrita, entre otras materialidad es de la significación.
Este compendio...
Todos los engaños -o casi todos- vienen precedidos por señales, muchas de las cuales pasan desapercibidas a nuestros ojos porque no las queremos ver, tal vez porque nos duele enfrentar una realidad. Otras no las vemos sencillamente porque nadie nos ha enseñado ni explicado lo que es una señal de alerta, ni cómo identificarla entre todo lo que vemos a nuestro alrededor en nuestro día a día y, más importante aún, cómo enmarcarla dentro de...
Would you like to know what any person is thinking? Impossible? Not so, if you can master the ability to read micro-expressions. Is he truly happy to see you? Bored? Angry? Maybe even a threat to you? Micro-expressions are those subconscious, almost invisible expressions that people make when speaking and which reveal how they really feel about the subject at hand. This is useful information on a first date, job interview, or whenever interacting...
16) El lenguaje del cuerpo: Una guía para conocer los sentimientos y las emociones de quienes nos rodean
Habitualmente nuestro cuerpo emite signos de manera involuntaria que delatan nuestros sentimientos o intenciones. La postura, los gestos, la expresión facial, dicen mucho de nosotros. A través de los movimientos del cuerpo humano se expresan también estados emocionales que pueden decir tanto o más que las propias palabras. Desde encoger los hombros, mostrar las palmas de las manos o cruzar las piernas, el lenguaje no verbal muestra evidencias...
Learn how to spot the lies and deceptions of our politicians in action.
You can't turn on the television, check your phone, or scroll through social media without being besieged with political headlines and the 'Who's Who' of today's news. With so much spoon-fed to us by the media, fake news, and from politicians themselves, it's time to take the reins and control what you see, feel, and know so you can make informed political choices in our hot,...
Leer a la gente es algo que puede ser difícil de captar al principio, cuando quieres hacerlo conscientemente, pero es absolutamente una habilidad que puede beneficiarte enormemente si aprendes a hacerlo. Cuando apliques estas habilidades, serás capaz de usarlas como una protección. Serás capaz de leer a otras personas cuando traten de mentirte o cuando sean honestos. Podrás navegar por los entornos sociales con facilidad porque podrás leer cómo...
Modern science has proved that the fundamental traits of every individual are indelibly stamped in the shape of his body, head, face and hands-an X-ray by which you can read the characteristics of any person on sight. The most essential thing in the world to any individual is to understand himself. The next is to understand the other fellow. For life is largely a problem of running your own car as it was built to be run, plus getting along with the...
Le MANUEL DES MICRO-EXPRESSIONS rassemble brièvement les micro expressions de 7 émotions universelles de base et 3 réactions internes exprimées, par conséquent, par le visage humain. Il est accompagné d'images détaillées pour une meilleure compréhension. Ce livre peut être utilisé comme un manuel de lecture de base sur les micro-expressions et un guide pour améliorer l'étude du langage corporel.
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