Tanya Dellaccio
The opaque, blue-green gemstone called turquoise has been mined since the time of the Ancient Egyptians. In this interesting and informative book, readers will learn about the properties of turquoise, how it's mined, and what it has been used for historically. Full-color photographs add interest to the comprehensive content. The attention-grabbing subject matter delivers the lessons of elementary science curriculum in an imaginative and exciting way....
The first submarine was built in the 1600s. Engineering capabilities have advanced immensely since then, making submarines one of the world's most interesting means of transportation. Engrossed readers will learn about the ingenious engineering behind submarines, from construction to the ins-and-outs of how they work. STEM concepts help readers understand the science that makes submarines possible. Accessible text paired with full-color photographs...
The mesmerizing blue of a sapphire stirs the senses and stimulates the imagination. Readers are invited to take a closer look at the radiant sapphire, scrutinizing it's origins, properties, varieties, and uses. Putting an imaginative spin on curricular science topics, the educational text discusses the processes and environmental implications of sapphire mining. Vibrant photographs complement the book's accessible, informative content.
Llamas can be found all over the world, and primarily on farms. These large, intelligent animals are raised for many different reasons, including food and wool. Young readers interested in unique domesticated animals will explore the benefits of raising llamas and learn how they're taken care of at the farm. Age-appropriate text and full-color photographs detail what it's like to be on a llama farm and inform readers about the animal's characteristics...
Emma Watson is best known for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, but her influence reaches far beyond the silver screen. In the public eye from a young age, Emma Watson has chosen to use her place in the spotlight to advocate for women's rights. She started the gender equality campaign HeForShe, works closely with fair trade garment retailers, and continues to act. Once a young unknown, Emma Watson has broken the mold and uses...
The voyage of the HMS Beagle from 1831 to 1836 was an invaluable scientific expedition that shed light on the inner workings of the natural world. In this noteworthy volume, fascinated young scientists will learn about the ship and its key passengers, especially Charles Darwin, as well as the momentous discoveries amid the journey. Stunning images and thoughtful fictional narratives from the viewpoint of sailors on the famous ship will help readers...
Each family is unique. Sometimes families only have one parent, and that's OK. Many children in the United States live with one parent. Some families with one parent are surrounded by positive circumstances whereas others face difficulties such as a lack of childcare and poverty. This guidebook explores the joys, hardships, and complexities of life with a single parent. It touches upon different situations that might lead to a single-parent household....
Weighing up to 1,300 pounds, the gentle manatee looks far more daunting than it truly is. How can we protect this peaceful "sea cow," which has been endangered by habitat loss and watercraft collisions? Thankfully, legal action has ensured that manatee populations are beginning to revive. In this text, readers will learn what manatees need to survive, how they contribute to their ecosystems, and what activities threaten their survival. Equipped with...
As technology has become more advanced, artists have increasingly been able to use computers to create beautifully lifelike works. Animated movies and video games today are often so detailed that individual strands of hair can be distinguished on characters' heads. Readers explore the methods animators use to bring images to life and learn about the history of computer animation. Informative sidebars and detailed photographs provide an in-depth look...
Humans have used resources from their environment for food and shelter for millions of years. Over time, however, human activities have extensively impacted Earth's ecosystems. Rain forests are one of a number of ecosystems on Earth that have been negatively affected by human activities. This book explores the different ways humans have impacted the plants and animals that call rain forest environments home. Full-color photographs depict harmful human...
Buildings are not often thought of as works of art, but the process of designing them can become an art form. Architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright and Zaha Hadid have been internationally recognized for their innovative designs. Through engaging text and full-color photographs, readers learn about the artistic challenges these and other architects face as they attempt to blend form and function in new and exciting ways. Readers are sure to love this...
12) Frogfish
They can change color. They can strike in as little as 6 milliseconds. They can regenerate parts of their body. They are frogfish! Even reluctant readers are sure to enjoy learning all about these wacky, weird, and wonderful fish. Full-color photographs and exciting, age-appropriate text show just how varied the frogfish can be in shape, size, and color. This book provides a great opportunity to learn about evolution, ecosystems, and so much more....
13) Raising Snails
Snails are known as one of the slowest animals on Earth. That doesn't stop people from raising them. Young readers will learn the ins and outs of raising snails in this guidebook, which features detailed, full-color photographs. The manageable text illustrates the basic life science concepts necessary to raise snails in a farm setting, and details the economic impact that snail farming has on our economy.