Nadine Takvorian
After 10 years of battle, Odysseus and his men capture the city of Troy. They set sail for home. When they come upon an island, Odysseus is curious. He and some men climb the mountainside and enter a cave. Little do they know the cave is home to a giant Cyclopes! Will Odysseus and his men make it out alive?
You are the mighty Greek hero Perseus. To save your mother you must battle Medusa, a deadly monster with snakes for hair and a gaze that could turn you to stone. You will also face magical nymphs and dangerous creatures on your journey. Do you have what it takes to survive and save your mother? Full-page illustrations, interactive stories, and multiple endings transport you to ancient Greece and into Perseus' adventures from Greek mythology.
You are the mighty Greek hero Hercules. As a half-god, you are stronger than mere humans. You've faced many challenges. But now you face your most difficult test yet. The goddess Hera has given you a task worthy of a god-complete the dangerous 12 labors and live forever. Can you survive and win your immortality? Full-page illustrations, interactive stories, and multiple endings transport you back to ancient Greece and into Hercules' adventures from...
King Pelias promises Jason the throne if Jason can capture the Golden Fleece. Jason and his men, the Argonauts, depart on a great journey. After years of sailing adventures, Jason and his men arrive at Colchis, home of the Golden Fleece. Will Jason find what he's looking for?
The Underworld is the land of the dead and ruled by the powerful god Hades. It is not a place where the living are welcome, but that's where you must go. You will need to cross the River Styx and face the three-head dog Cerberus. But once you are there and reach your goal, will you be able to find your way back to the living or be trapped forever? Full-page illustrations, interactive stories, and multiple endings transport you back to ancient Greece...
What happens when the gods disagree? They send the mightiest of heroes to fight a war. But which hero will you be, and who will you side with: Greece's King Menelaus or Paris, a prince from the city of Troy? If the gods favor you, you just may survive the fighting. Full-page illustrations, interactive stories, and multiple endings transport you back to ancient Greece and into thick of battle as the Trojan War rages on.