Sara Pennypacker
3) Clementine
While sorting through difficulties in her friendship with her neighbor Margaret, eight-year-old Clementine gains several unique hairstyles while also helping her father in his efforts to banish pigeons from the front of their apartment building.
4) Pax
Appears on list
"After being forced to give up his pet fox Pax, a young boy named Peter decides to leave home and get his best friend back"--
What are people for? That's the burning question on the mind of Leeva Spayce Thornblossom. Fame! says Leeva's mom, the mayor of Nutsmore. Money! says her dad, the town treasurer. With the help of an orphaned badger, a risk-averse boy in a hazmat suit, and the town's librarians, Leeva sets off to discover her own answer--setting off a chain of events that will change Nutsmore forever.
Pax volume 2
It has been a year since newly orphaned Peter and his pet fox Pax, now a protective father, have seen each other, but their paths cross again when Pax's kit falls desperately ill forcing him to turn to the one human he knows he can trust.
From the author of the highly acclaimed, New York Times bestselling novel Pax comes a gorgeous and moving middle grade novel that is an ode to introverts, dreamers, and misfits everywhere. Ware can’t wait to spend summer “off in his own world”—dreaming of knights in the Middle Ages and generally being left alone. But then his parents sign him up for dreaded Rec camp, where he must endure Meaningful Social Interaction and whatever activities...
12) Journey Home
It’s been a year since Peter and his pet fox, Pax, have seen each other. Once inseparable, they now lead very different lives.
Pax and his mate, Bristle, have welcomed a litter of kits they must protect in a dangerous world. Meanwhile Peter—newly orphaned after the war, racked with guilt and loneliness—leaves his adopted home with Vola to join the Water Warriors, a group of people determined to heal the land from the scars of the war.
From Clementine author Sara Pennypacker, this is a poignant middle-grade novel about two foster children who must find a way to work together in order to survive. Eleven-year-old Stella misses her (unreliable) mom, but she loves it at great-aunt Louise's house. Louise lives on Cape Cod, where Stella hopes her mom will someday come and settle down. The only problem? Angel, the foster kid Louise has taken in. The two girls live together but there's...
In the tradition of The Stupids, Meet the Dullards is a clever and irreverent picture book about a comically boring family, from bestselling author Sara Pennypacker and illustrator Daniel Salmieri. Their home is boring. Their food is plain. Their lives are monotonous. And Mr. and Mrs. Dullard like it that way. But their children-Blanda, Borely, and Little Dud-have other ideas… Never has dullness been so hilarious than in this deadpan, subversive...
15) Sparrow Girl
Ming-Li looked up and tried to imagine the sky silent, empty of birds. It was a terrible thought. Her country's leader had called sparrows the enemy of the farmers-they were eating too much grain, he said. He announced a great "Sparrow War" to banish them from China, but Ming-Li did not want to chase the birds away.
As the people of her village gathered with firecrackers and gongs to scatter the sparrows, Ming-Li held her ears and watched in dismay....
Seit Peter den Fuchswelpen Pax vor dem sicheren Tod gerettet und ihn aufgezogen hat, sind die beiden unzertrennlich. Aber dann kommt der Krieg und reißt beide auseinander. Hunderte von Kilometern und tausend Gefahren müssen Peter und Pax überwinden, um einander wiederzufinden ... Sara Pennypackers poetische Geschichte rührt von der ersten bis zur letzten Minute und ist ein Plädoyer für Herz und Menschlichkeit. Der Pianist Rainer Bielfeldt begleitet...
17) Stuart's Cape
Stuart's got problems.... It's raining. He's bored. And worst of all, he's new in town. So he's got a lot to worry about. But what does a kid like Stuart need in order to have an adventure? A cape, of course.
Waylon thinks most problems can be solved with science. But when it comes to having to share a dog with Baxter Boylen, science may not be very helpful. Baxter is the closest thing to a juvenile delinquent Waylon has ever met. He's always getting called to Principal Rice's office, and now he's even having meetings with the chief of police. At least the two boys can visit their dog, Dumpster Eddy, while they're at the station. Eddy is behind bars in...
Träumer, die zu wahren Helden werden
Am liebsten würde der schüchterne Ware die Ferien ganz in Ruhe für sich verbringen und von Rittern im Mittelalter träumen. Stattdessen schicken ihn seine Eltern in ein Feriencamp. Doch Ware reißt aus und trifft Jolene, ein toughes Mädchen, mit dem er die verlassene Ruine neben dem Camp in einen Garten verwandelt: ihr geheimer Zufluchtsort. Aber als er ihnen genommen werden soll, fasst Ware einen Entschluss:...