Lois Lenski
Mary Jemison has been captured by a Shawnee war party! How will she survive? When twelve-year-old Mary Jemison and her family are captured by Shawnee raiders, she's sure they'll all be killed. Instead, Mary is separated from her siblings and traded to two Seneca sisters, who adopt her and make her one of their own. Mary misses her home, but the tribe is kind to her. She learns to plant crops, make clay pots, and sew moccasins, just as the other members...
What would it be like to live on a houseboat on the Mississippi River with two parents, four kids, eight chickens, several turtles, a dog, and a cat? Patsy and her family are about to find out! At first, Patsy is upset when her parents decide to move from their home in River City, Illinois, to a houseboat on the Mississippi River. She'll miss her house and friends, and she's sure the trip downriver will be boring. Gradually, she and her brother and...
A young boy dreams of music and sunshine in the Great Smoky Mountains. As far as Billy is concerned, there's no sight more beautiful than the sun setting over the Blue Ridge Mountains. When the day is done, he sneaks away from his work to watch the sun go down. If his father knew, he would call Billy lazy, but Mama would understand. She knows life in the mountains is hard and that there's no point in living if a person can't take time to appreciate...
A boy and his grandpa hope to strike oil in drought-ridden Oklahoma. It's hot in Oklahoma. There's no wind, the wells are dry, and the ground is dead. Orvie's family is doing everything they can to keep their farm going. If they miss a payment on the mortgage, the bank will take their home away, and they'll have nowhere else to go. Farming is tough, honest work, and it's no way to get rich. For years, Orvie's grandfather has sworn that there's oil...
A young girl grows up in the sooty shadow of the coal mines of West Virginia. When the whistle blows, Christina knows her father is coming home. Every day he emerges from the pit with his skin caked in coal dust. He's 50 now and he's been working in the mines since he was 12 years old. It's dangerous, backbreaking labor, but he does it because he loves his family. As far as Christina is concerned, there is no job in the world more honorable than digging...
6) Flood Friday
Will Sally and her family ever be able to go home? When heavy rains cause the river to flood, Sally, her family, and many of their neighbors have to evacuate their homes. With nothing but the clothes on their backs, they seek shelter at the local school. At first, it seems like an adventure, but as reports come in of whole houses being washed away, Sally learns the meaning of being a true friend and a good neighbor. Flood Friday is based on the...
A Chinese boy struggles to adapt to life in the big city. In Chinatown, the streets are crowded and the air is filled with delicious smells. Felix Fong and his family just moved to San Francisco from a town in the countryside, and they have never seen so many people. Felix's siblings are thrilled by the constant hustle and bustle, but he misses their old house. He liked having grass to play in and a pond to swim in. The city is overwhelming, and it...
A Cajun girl tries to keep her family together on the Louisiana bayou. It's been almost 2 years since Suzette's father caught 2 bullets in his back. Since then, he's been bed-ridden, too sick to hunt or fish or do any of the things a bayou man must do to keep his family fed. While he heals, Suzette scours the swamps around her house for fish, gators, or anything she can sell to put food on the table. It's hard, but Suzette is a proud Cajun, and work...
Judy lives in a tent with her family. Will they ever be able to afford a farm with a real house? Ten-year-old Judy and her family are migrants, moving from farm to farm with each new season. Starting in Alabama, they travel to Florida and up the East Coast all the way to New Jersey, always looking for steady work. Every time Judy feels as if they're beginning to put down roots, they have to move on. It's hard for her to catch up in school; it's hard...
10) Prairie School
It's the worst blizzard in fifty years! Delores is very ill, but there's no way to get through the snow. How long will she be stranded at school? Out on the South Dakota prairie, the winters are fierce. This storm is the worst one yet: It's below freezing outside, and the winds are howling. All of the other kids have gone home, but Delores's family can't get to her, so she has to stay at the school. Between a fuel shortage and having to boil snow...
11) Corn-Farm Boy
An Iowa farm boy longs to quit school and join his dad working the land. Dick comes home from school early and tells his mother he was sent home with a stomachache. She puts him to bed and tells him to get some sleep, but Dick can't shut his eyes for a second. All his life he's wanted to be a farmer - to quit school and join his father and brother driving tractors across their sprawling property - and today is his chance. His father is getting a 2nd...
12) To Be a Logger
A young boy growing up in the Oregon wilderness dreams of becoming a logger. Little Joe has been sawing trees since he was 5 years old. A child of the Oregon hills, he spends his days scampering through the forest around his family's cabin. Ever since he was old enough to hold an ax, he's wanted to be a logger like his daddy. He wants to wear boots with nails on them, saw down the mightiest trees in the forest, and holler "Timber!" as they come crashing...
A young African American girl moves from the South to the North and finds that family is the same wherever you go. Nobody can climb a tree as fast as Lula Bell. Although her mother tells her to be ladylike, Lula Bell prefers fishing and climbing and scrapping in the dirt with the boys. When her day is done, she sits on the porch with her grandmother Hattie, and listens to her tell stories of the North. Up there, Mama Hattie says, everybody's rich....
14) Texas Tomboy
The entire ranch is thirsty-will the rains ever come? Tomboy Charlie loves the ranch and the outdoors, especially now that she has a horse of her own and can ride like a true cowboy. She doesn't understand why her mother keeps after her to help out in the house, too. But ranch life is hard, especially when there's a drought. There isn't enough water for the crops or cattle, and horrible dust storms sweep away the soil. If it doesn't rain soon, her...
15) Strawberry girl
In 1945, in Florida, ten-year-old Birdie Boyer and her family struggle to make their new farm prosper despite heat, droughts, cold snaps, and rowdy neighbors.
Betsy, Tacy, and Tib can't wait to be ten. After all, getting two numbers in your age is the beginning of growing up-exciting things are bound to happen. And they do! The girls fall in love with the King of Spain, perform in the School Entertainment, and for the first time, go all the way over the Big Hill to Little Syria by themselves. There Betsy, Tacy, and Tib make new friends and learn a thing or two. They learn that new Americans are sometimes...
Betsy, Tacy, and Tib are twelve-old enough to do lots of things... even go downtown on their own. There they see their first horseless carriage, discover the joys of the public library, and see a real play at the Opera House. They even find themselves acting in one! Best of all, they help a lonely new friend feel at home in Deep Valley-the most wonderful place in the world to grow up. Ever since their first publication in the 1940s, the Betsy-Tacy...
18) Betsy-Tacy
Best Friends ForeverThere are lots of children on Hill Street, but no little girls Betsy's age. So when a new family moves into the house across the street, Betsy hopes they will have a little girl she can play with. Sure enough, they do-a little girl named Tacy. And from the moment they meet at Betsy's fifth birthday party, Betsy and Tacy becoms such good friends that everyone starts to think of them as one person-Betsy-Tacy. Betsy and Tacy have...