Seth Godin
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Everyone knows that Icarus's father made him wings and told him not to fly too close to the sun; he ignored the warning and plunged to his doom. The lesson: Play it safe. Listen to the experts. It was the perfect propaganda for the industrial economy. What boss wouldn't want employees to believe that obedience and conformity are the keys to success? But we tend to forget that Icarus was also warned not to fly too low, because seawater would ruin the...
Pub. Date
Describes when to support and when to fight corporate systems, explaining how to recognize and drop defunct practices to protect profits, job security, and professional satisfaction. In this iconic bestseller, popular business blogger and bestselling author Seth Godin proves that winners are really just the best quitters. Godin shows that winners quit fast, quit often, and quit without guilt--until they commit to beating the right Dip. Every new project...
Pub. Date
"From the bestselling author of Linchpin and Tribes comes a new challenge to leaders of all stripes The workplace has undergone a massive shift. Remote work and economic instability have depressed innovation and left us disconnected and disengaged. Paychecks no longer buy loyalty, happiness, and effort. Quiet quitting runs rampant, and people show up without truly showing up. Alarmed managers are doubling down on keystroke surveillance, productivity...
Recorded Books
Pub. Date
[2009], p2009
Godin shows business-minded individuals how the principle of the Purple Cow works. It is built around the premise that consumers have seen enough brown cows and they are tired of the same old, same old. But put a purple cow in front of them and they are eager to learn more.
Eles falaram que você deveria ajeitar o currículo, cumprir todos os requisitos, se encaixar e seguir as instruções. Eles falaram que você deveria engolir o orgulho e não seguir o seu sonho. Eles prometeram umas bugigangas, recompensas e até possíveis riquezas se você simplesmente aguentasse tudo e fizesse parte do sistema, se só obedecesse às ordens e se conformasse. Eles te venderam dívidas, serviços e programas de reality show. Eles...
El mundo está cambiando de forma vertiginosa y, con él, las reglas del marketing. Las viejas prácticas tan bien aprendidas durante años han dejado de funcionar porque han saturado los medios de comunicación y la mente del consumidor. Para que nuestro producto no se vuelva invisible entre unas opciones cada vez más numerosas debemos hacerlo extraordinario, diferenciarlo y lograr que la gente se fije en él como si fuera una Vaca Púrpura.
Los seres humanos precisamos un sentido de pertenencia. Formar parte de una tribu, pertenecer a ella y aprovecharse de un grupo de gente con ideas similares es uno de los mecanismos más poderosos de supervivencia. Resulta que no deseamos pertenecer únicamente a una tribu, sino a varias. Y si nos dan los instrumentos necesarios y nos lo ponen fácil, nos apuntamos. Las tribus hacen que nuestras vidas sean mejores. Y liderar una tribu nos da la mejor...
El marketing está por todas partes. Lo encontrarás en tus primeros recuerdos, en la ropa que vistes, en lo que comes, y será obvio cuando salgas a la calle. Toda la vida has estado inundado de marketing.
Lleva tanto tiempo entre nosotros que lo damos por hecho. Ni siquiera nos percatamos de su existencia. No nos damos cuenta de lo que está pasando ni de la manera en la que nos está cambiando.
Pero ha llegado la hora de hacer algo más con el...
The book that sparked a marketing revolution.
Counter to traditional marketing wisdom, which tries to count, measure, and manipulate the spread of information, Seth Godin argues that the information can spread most effectively from customer to customer, rather than from business to customer. Godin calls this powerful customer-to-customer dialogue the ideavirus, and cheerfully eggs marketers on to create an environment where their ideas can replicate...
Are You Ready to Raise a Ruckus?
You're probably good at your job, maybe even great. But secretly, do you yearn to fly higher? To challenge the rules and surprise us with something remarkable? To instigate delight, connection, and real change? To choose better over safer?
Business and cultural visionary Seth Godin has transformed the terrain of marketing and commerce more than once. But many of his readers remain stuck in their own work lives. So...
Purple Cow was the #1 bestselling marketing book on Amazon in 2003. Now in Free Prize Inside, Seth Godin is back with practical advice on how to put Purple Cow thinking to work inside your organization (big or small, profit or non) to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN. The next big marketing idea is a proven strategy for making your products or services so remarkable that they practically sell themselves. Purple Cow taught marketers the value of standing out...
You're either a Purple Cow or you're not. You're either remarkable or invisible. Make your choice.
What do Starbucks and JetBlue and KrispyKreme and Apple and DutchBoy and Kensington and Zespri and Hard Candy have that you don't? How do they continue to confound critics and achieve spectacular growth, leaving behind former tried-and true brands to gasp their last?
Face it, the checklist of tired 'P's marketers have used for decades to get their...
Feisworld volume 2
Bisila's name was made fun of every school year while growing up, but it's now the name of her international brand. Sarah is a comedian who is inspired by her two sisters with disabilities.
Feisworld volume 5
Andi, Kevin and Gasya Athertons are a family and acrobats performing in Cirque du Soleil. Two of them now in their 40s and raising three young children, how do they balance family and circus life?
Feisworld volume 1
Nothing is impossible forever. Mick talks about his new project to help the hearing impaired experience music.
Feisworld volume 4
Seth Godin believes in emotional labor, and voluntarily show up in places where the work is emotionally hard. Dorie Clark explains why we should embrace our diversity and differences.
Feisworld volume 3
Barry and Cosmo talk about their approach to help artists of any age sustain and thrive in their careers. Chris teaches us how hostage negotiation can help you in everyday life.