Howard Garrett
A renowned landscape gardener's guide to less expensive, less water-intensive lawns, whether it's a front yard or a fairway.
A lush green lawn is one of the great pleasures of the natural world, whether it's outside your front door or on a majestic fairway at a legendary golf course. But anyone who's tried to grow the perfect lawn the conventional way knows it requires an endless cycle of watering and applying synthetic fertilizers and toxic chemical...
In this revised and updated edition of The Dirt Doctor's Guide to Organic Gardening, the author uses a question-and-answer format to present a wealth of new information on organic gardening, landscaping, pest control, and natural living. The book also incorporates valuable feedback and suggestions from gardeners who've successfully used his methods.
University of Texas Press
Pub. Date
In this one book, you'll find a virtual encyclopedia of over 500 Texas plants - trees, shrubs, flowers, vines, grasses, vegetables, fruits, weeds, and cover crops - along with complete, easily understood instructions for planting and maintaining them. Gardening expert Howard Garrett draws on years of landscaping experience to provide "all-you-need-to-know" about each plant: Latin and common names; sun or shade requirements; mature height, spread,...
Can you manage the landscape of a golf course, city park, or corporate campus without synthetic fertilizers and toxic pesticides? Absolutely! Organic landscaping is not only possible on a large scale, but it also makes sense both economically and environmentally. It promotes healthy soils and plants, which require less water and sequester more carbon-a winning combination for both your bottom line and the planet's fight against resource depletion...