Andrew Clements
Random House
Pub. Date
"Josh Willet is a techie, a serious gamer. Which is why Josh and his friends can't stand Mr. N's ELA class; it's a strict no-tech zone. Mr. N makes them write everything out by hand, he won't use a Smartboard, and he's obsessed with some hundred-year-old grammar book. Then Josh discovers a secret; turns out Mr. N's been keeping a lot more than technology from his students! Together with his best friend Vanessa, and using all the computer skills they've...
It was an ordinary Monday morning in Walla Walla-until Lulu walked up to her English teacher's desk. "Mrs. Bell, I feel like a nit-wit. My homework is all higgledy-piggledy. Last night it was in tip-top shape, but not it's a big mish-mash." With those few words, things become not so ordinary after all, for it seems that Lulu has opened up a super-duper, helter-skelter WORD WARP. Luckily for Lulu and the rest of the English-speaking world, the school...
3) The Map Trap
This map-tastic middle grade story from Andrew Clements gives the phrase "uncharted territory" a whole new meaning! Alton Barnes loves maps. He's loved them ever since he was little, and not just for the geography. Because maps contain more information than just locations, and that's why he likes to draw maps as well as read them. Regular "point A to point B" ones, sure, but also maps that explain a whole lot more-like what he really thinks about...
Popular children's author Andrew Clements scored a young adult hit with Things Hoped For. Things That Are continues the story of Bobby Phillips-the boy who woke up one day to find himself invisible-and his friend and confidante, a blind girl named Alicia. Bobby is returning from college visits in New York, and Alicia has decided to finally confront him about her feelings. But a mysterious character with an affliction similar to Bobby's and some surprise...
5) Troublemaker
There's a folder in Principal Kelling's office that's as thick as a phonebook and it's growing daily. It's filled with the incident reports of every time Clayton Hensley broke the rules. There's the minor stuff like running in the hallways and not being where he was suppose to be when he was supposed to be there. But then there are also reports that show Clay's own brand of troublemaking, like the most recent addition. The art teacher has said that...
Ted Hammond loves a good mystery, and in the spring of his fifth-grade year, he's working on a big one. How can his school in the little town of Plattsford stay open next year if there are going to be only five students? Out here on the Great Plains, in western Nebraska, everyone understands that if you lose the school, you lose the town. But the mystery that has Ted's full attention at the moment is about that face, the face he sees in the upper...
When Gwen's grandfather disappears from their home in New York City, he leaves a message saying not to worry--but it’s hard when Gwen has upcoming violin auditions at Julliard! But then she meets Robert, a fellow musician, and things seem to look up. At the same time, there are other forces in motion, like the scary great uncle who keeps coming by, and the strange man Gwen sees one day when shopping. Then the even stranger story Robert tells her...
Jake Drake has always been a bully magnet. Ever since nursery school, bigger kids have been giving him tons of trouble. When Link Baxter and his family move in down the street, and Link joins Jake's class in school, Jake finds out right away that he's not just a bully--he's a Superbully! Link makes fun of Drake at every available opportunity and even gets Drake sent to the principle's office. What can Jake do to stop these attacks? Andrew Clements'...
Jake Drake doesn't try to become teacher's pet. It's just that all of his teachers- and even the principal-seem to think that everything he does is wonderful. They keep patting him on the head, but the kids in Jake's school are rolling their eyes whenever he walks by. Narrator Johnny Heller captures all the hilarious frustration of a kid who just can't seem to do anything wrong.
In the whole wide blue sea, there's not a fish as clever as Shrimpy. But poor Shrimpy is so small that no one wants to be his friend. Then, one-day Shrimpy becomes best friends with Big Al, the most popular fish of all. With Big Al beside him, Shrimpy always has plenty to eat, and he gets to swim to wonderful new places. But when Big Al swims too close to the edge of the Big Deep, it's up to clever Shrimpy to save the day.
11) Big Al
In all the wide blue sea, there's not a nicer fish than Big Al-or one more lonely. He wants nothing more than to make as many friends as he can, but when the other fish look at Big Al, all they see is how scary he looks and how sharp his teeth are. Then one day, a net drops down from above and catches a lot of little fish. It's up to Big Al to come to the rescue! This frisky tale from the best-selling author of the Jake Drake books is sure to help...
12) No talking
The noisy fifth grade boys of Laketon Elementary School challenge the equally loud fifth grade girls to a "no talking" contest.
13) We the children
Sixth-grader Ben Pratt's life is full of changes that he does not like--his parents' separation and the plan to demolish his seaside school to build an amusement park--but when the school janitor gives him a tarnished coin with some old engravings and then dies, Ben is drawn into an effort to keep the school from being destroyed.
14) Extra credit
As letters flow back and forth--between the prairies of Illinois and the mountains of Afghanistan, across cultural and religious divides--sixth-grader Abby, ten-year-old Amira, and eleven-year-old Sadeed begin to speak and listen to each other.
15) In harm's way
As Benjamin Pratt and his friends Jill and Robert continue their efforts to save their school, they find themselves dodging two evil janitors, Lyman and Wally, but their team has also grown and now has a secret fund of millions of dollars.
"The Keepers of the School--known to their friends as Ben, Jill, and Robert--have one last chance to save their school before it's torn down to make room for a seaside amusement park. But their nemeses, janitors Lyman and Wally, are just as determined to keep the kids out of the way and the demolition on schedule"--
18) Lost and found
Twelve-year-old identical twins Jay and Ray have long resented that everyone treats them as one person, and so they hatch a plot to take advantage of a clerical error at their new school and pretend they are just one.
19) The report card
Fifth-grader Nora Rowley has always hidden the fact that she is a genius from everyone because all she wants is to be normal, but when she comes up with a plan to prove that grades are not important, things begin to get out of control.
20) Fear itself
As the new Keepers of the School, sixth-graders Ben and Jill must decipher a handful of clues written as maritime riddles to save their school from demolition by a greedy company.