William R Chemerka
"You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din."
Those most famous words from the 1892 poem by Rudyard Kipling have reverberated through cinema sound speakers for nearly eighty years since the RKO release of George Steven's Gunga Din starring Cary Grant, Victor McLaglen, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Joan Fontaine, and Sam Jaffe.
The realization of the movie was as much of an epic quest as the heroic journeys of the story's characters. Author William Chemerka's...
Davy Crockett's real-life adventures and legendary exploits have been constantly acknowledged, memorialized, and celebrated in prose and poetry, film and television, music and art, newspapers and periodicals, and in outrageous myths. This book provides a chronicle of those assorted manifestations in three major sections: The first highlights Crockett's life, the second traces his legend, and the third provides a 366-day calendar, which notes various...