Geoffrey Chaucer
With their astonishing diversity of tone and subject matter, The Canterbury Tales have become one of the touchstones of medieval literature. Translated here into modern English, these tales of a motley crew of pilgrims drawn from all walks of life--from knight to nun, miller to monk--reveal a picture of English life in the fourteenth century that is as robust as it is representative.
Geoffrey Chaucer was born in London sometime in the 1340s. The son of a vintner, it is believed that Chaucer came from a fairly well to do family, which enabled him as a young man to come into the service of the Countess of Ulster as the noblewoman's page, a common form of apprenticeship in medieval times. Eventually, it is believed, Chaucer would study law and this most likely afforded him the opportunity to become a member of the royal court of...
The Wyves Tale of Bathe and prologue are among the best, known of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. They give insight into the role of women in the Late Middle Ages and are probably of interest to Chaucer himself, for the character is one of his most developed ones, with her prologue twice as long as her tale.
When an eclectic group of pilgrims take turns telling tales while on the road to Canterbury Cathedral, the Miller is determined to tell the best story and win the free dinner. He regales his fellow pilgrims with the best tale he knows-a rude and raunchy tale that would be considered scandalous even by today's standards.
This special edition of "The Miller's Tale," one of the most memorable tales from Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, includes "The...
When an eclectic group of pilgrims take turns telling tales while on the road to Canterbury Cathedral, the Clerk of Oxford, a learned man, sets out to tell a moral and educational story for his fellow pilgrims. He tells the tale of Griselda, a beautiful young peasant girl chosen by the marquis to be his bride. Although Griselda's husband loves her, he is afraid she will betray him in some way, and sets out to test her in various ways over the course...
When an eclectic group of pilgrims take turns telling tales while on the road to Canterbury Cathedral, the Knight tells the tale of Arcite and Palamon, two young aristocrats from Thebes who are captured in battle by Theseus. When the captives spy the beautiful maiden Emily from their prison window, they immediately fall in love and become rivals.
This special edition of "The Knight's Tale," one of the most memorable tales from Chaucer's The Canterbury...
"The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer" offers a comprehensive collection of the esteemed poet's literary legacy, comprising 20 books that span his illustrious career. Illustrated to enhance the reader's experience, this anthology showcases Chaucer's mastery of language, storytelling, and poetic form.
At the heart of the collection is "The Canterbury Tales," Chaucer's magnum opus, which follows a diverse group of pilgrims as they journey to the...
This collection of the works of Chaucer has been edited by Walter William Skeat, who was scrupulous in producing a sound text based on the best manuscripts, and eschewing inauthentic works that had been spuriously attributed to Chaucer. Skeat also includes thorough detail on the nature of Chaucer's Middle English language.
When an eclectic group of pilgrims take turns telling tales while on the road to Canterbury Cathedral, the Pardoner begins his tale with a confession-that he preaches against greed but swindles churchgoers by pressuring them into buying fake religious relics. However, he claims that despite his hypocrisy he can tell a moral tale, and describes a story about three greedy young men attempting to cheat death.
The Pardoner is one of the most memorable...
When an eclectic group of pilgrims take turns telling tales while on the road to Canterbury Cathedral, the Wife of Bath, an older woman who has been married and widowed five times, tells her tale . . . eventually. But first she shares her opinions on marriage and the role of women with her fellow pilgrims.
One of the strongest and most memorable voices in The Canterbury Tales, the Wife of Bath is as amusing as she is enlightening. This special...
El cuento del Párroco no es una historia, sino un largo sermón acerca del tema de la penitencia. En un principio, define las tres etapas de "una penitencia verdadera y perfecta": "La contrición de corazón, la confesión oral y la reparación (o satisfacción)". Estas tienen el objetivo de purgar a las personas de sus "pecados de pensamiento", "palabras ofensivas" y "acciones pecaminosas". El tema del "cuento" (o mejor dicho, tratado) del párroco...
"El cuento del erudito" es una narración en "Los cuentos de Canterbury" de Geoffrey Chaucer. En este relato, un erudito narra una historia sobre un hombre llamado Walter que busca una esposa obediente y sumisa. Después de casarse con Griselda, la somete a pruebas extremas para probar su lealtad y paciencia. Aunque Griselda sufre enormemente, demuestra una devoción inquebrantable hacia su esposo. A través de esta trama, Chaucer explora temas de...
"El cuento del molinero" de Geoffrey Chaucer, parte de "Los cuentos de Canterbury", es un fabliau, una narración cómica y a menudo obscena. La historia gira en torno al personaje de Nicholas, un estudiante de Oxford, y las complicaciones que surgen de su relación amorosa con Alison, la joven esposa del carpintero John. La historia está llena de ingeniosos engaños, humor y elementos de farsa. Chaucer teje hábilmente una exploración satírica...
"El cuento del alguacil" es una de las historias incluidas en "Los cuentos de Canterbury" de Geoffrey Chaucer. En este relato, un alguacil narrador relata una historia sobre un avaro y codicioso comerciante llamado Simkin que es engañado por un estudiante. Simkin cae en la trampa del estudiante cuando intenta recuperar una deuda, pero finalmente es humillado y derrotado. A través de esta narración, Chaucer explora temas como la astucia, la justicia...
"El cuento del Caballero" de Geoffrey Chaucer es una obra maestra poética dentro de "Los cuentos de Canterbury". Ambientada en la antigua Grecia, sigue el triángulo amoroso de los primos nobles Arcite y Palamon, ambos compitiendo por el afecto de la bella Emily. Rica en romance medieval y espíritu caballeresco, la narrativa profundiza en temas de destino, amor y honor. Los vívidos personajes de Chaucer y su intrincada narración brindan una visión...