Various Artists
Excerpt: "Now it has been my pleasant task during the recent months to read or to reread scores upon scores of short stories that have been published in the Atlantic Monthly. My object has been to select from the Atlantic files some of the best and most representative of these narratives for publication in book form, and thus make these significant stories more readily available for the college, school, and the reading public. Out of this study, as...
Illustrated with over 40 photos and 15 maps of the engagement. The momentous events of the 6th of June 1944, D-Day, still resonate around the world, almost 200,000 Allied Soldiers were thrown against the Nazi dominated coast of France in a bid to free Western Europe from the Fascist grip that had held it since 1939. Although massive air and naval bombardments proceeded the landings the mission would succeed or fail based on the ground troops being...
Includes Gallipoli Campaign Map and Illustrations Pack -71 photos and 31 maps of the campaign spanning the entire period of hostilities. A moving and wittily written account of an officer of the 5th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers of the 10 (Irish Division) during their heroic but futile campaign on the Gallipoli Peninsula. He landed with his men of 'D' company into the storm of shot, shell and death at Suvla Bay and fought hard against the elements...
5) Montenegro
Montenegro es un destino para amantes de la naturaleza y la buena vida, excursionistas, esquiadores y submarinistas, con cinco parques nacionales y un magnífico litoral de trescientos kilómetros. ¡Y es que el mar Adriático y las montañas se encuentran a un tiro de piedra! Su patrimonio arquitectónico es una mezcla de imperios: ilirio, austriaco, griego, romano, veneciano y turco. La arquitectura maciza de las casas y monasterios ortodoxos contrasta...
6) Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremburg, 14 November
Trial Of The Major War Criminals Before The International Military Tribunal, Nuremburg, 14 November 1945 - 1 October 1946 Volume 17
8) Bulgaria
Bulgaria es un destino turístico que, aunque muy frecuentado por los habitantes de la antigua Unión Soviética, sigue dejado de lado por los europeos occidentales. ¡Menudo error! Bulgaria ofrece desde paisajes magníficos hasta lugares y edificios declarados Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO. Aquí descubrirá la riqueza de una historia marcada por las civilizaciones tracia y romana, y las ocupaciones bizantinas, otomanas y soviéticas....
"Don't suffer a child to be accused of a fault until you are perfectly aware he has been guilty of it" is one of the many recommendations imparted within this historical booklet. Covering timeless topics such as "Pregnancy and Childbirth," "Diet," "Sleep," and "Clothing," Don'ts for Mothers reveals motherhood as viewed in the late 1800s. While the majority of the guidance is outdated and strikingly odd to modern readers, this entertaining...
Includes 56 original illustrations and a map of the area. Our anonymous author was part of the 6th Poona Division, Indian Army, the first of the British Empire's forces to be deployed to Mesopotamia during the First World War. Fighting and marching through sweltering temperatures forced much inactivity on the British and Indian troops as much as their Turkish and Arab opponents. The author in his irreverent style remarked: "From 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. it...
13) Albania
Albania, una de las joyas mejor guardadas del Adriático, se está convirtiendo poco a poco en un atractivo turístico para quienes salen en busca de lo auténtico en Europa. Situada en una de las rutas de unión entre Oriente y Occidente, Albania es un país antiguo, con una lengua y cultura propias, con más de 2.000 años de antigüedad. Su historia se puede disfrutar en ciudades como Butrint, Berat, Gjirokastra o la capital, Tirana. A todo ello...
-Aprenda caligrafía, iluminación y lettering de forma rápida, segura y eficaz con este libro, una compilación única para principiantes y usuarios avanzados, para sumergirse en el fascinante mundo de la escritura.
-Conozca los conceptos básicos del arte atemporal de la caligrafía y las posibles variaciones de la escritura, a través de detalladas instrucciones para cada letra individual del abecedario.
-Incluye más de 50 alfabetos diferentes...
Rapunzel has lived in her secret tower in the woods for eighteen years. Not one to remain idle, she keeps busy with music, painting, cooking, and even astronomy. With her best friend--a chameleon named Pascal--to keep her company, and a vivid imagination to keep them both entertained, Rapunzel has lots of adventures to dream up!
16) Senegal
Senegal es la tierra del eterno sol y la aventura, rica en paisajes, contrastes y encuentros fortuitos. Es la imagen del África icónica representada por sus cuentos, griots, cultura animista y pueblos de chozas. La que les contamos a los niños para que tengan dulces sueños. Senegal es también otra África, actual, donde la democracia es estable, donde las religiones coexisten armoniosamente, donde los grupos étnicos seculares perpetúan sus...
17) Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories One Hundred and One Tales of Mystery, b
One Hundred and One Tales of Mystery, by Famous Authors of East and West
Sus vastos bosques, su costa salvaje, sus espectaculares paisajes y su fauna y flora silvestres hacen de Gabón un paraíso a explorar. Todavía no muy popular entre los visitantes internacionales, ofrece una experiencia única a quienes se aventuran allí. Pongara, Loango, Lopé, Ivindo, las mesetas de Batéké... La red de parques nacionales impresiona por su diversidad y se enriquece con la creación de áreas marinas protegidas. Gorilas, chimpancés,...